Carbonate Reservoirs

Carbonate Reservoirs

Couse description
course objective
course outline
course methodology
course Certificate
course duration
Registration modalities
course dates
Couse description

This carbonate course addresses the fundamentals of carbonate systems from deposition to early and late diagenesis, and how these impact on reservoir properties. The module starts with the basics of carbonate classification, biological properties of carbonate grains and their relevance for the oil geoscientist, and how sequence stratigraphy in carbonates compares and differs with their siliciclastic counterparts. Furthermore, post-depositional mineralogic and chemical transformations are extremely important in carbonate reservoirs, and the module will thus explore diagenesis and how these transformations can be fingerprinted using a variety of methods.

course objective

On completion of this course participants will have attained understanding of carbonate rocks – their components, depositional models and diagenetic variation that will assist in the prediction of carbonate reservoirs from seismic to pore scale.

Participants completing this course will be able to:

  1. Understand and describe the principal carbonate sediment components, and systems of carbonate classification.
  2. Describe the primary controls on carbonate deposition temporally and spatially, discuss the contrasts between the controls on siliciclastic deposition.
  3. Describe the main types of carbonate platform, their variability, scale, main seismic features and distribution of likely reservoir units.
  4. Demonstrate sequence stratigraphic aspects of carbonate build-ups, their differing response to SL change compared to clastic sediments and discuss their seismic characters.
  5. Review principal types of likely reservoir facies (platform interior, carbonate sands, reefs, slope systems and chalks), their recognition, architecture, sequence stratigraphy and porosity types.
  6. Identify the diverse pore types in carbonates and how these relate to reservoir quality.
  7. Understand how the development of primary and secondary porosity has varied through geologic time and how these changes impact upon reservoir quality.
  8. Explain how the variety of diagenetic environments affects primary and secondary porosity in carbonate rocks and understand the implications for reservoir quality.
  9. Understand the uses of the main techniques for deciphering diagenetic sequences in carbonates.
  10. Discuss the principal modes of formation of dolomites and the predictive uses of different dolomite models.
  11. Understand the diverse origins of palaeokarstic macroporosity, its subsurface recognition, and different strategies for developing palaeokarstic reservoirs.

course outline

Principles and concepts of carbonate deposition

Classifying carbonate rocks

Isolated platforms (ICB’s) and de-risking carbonate prospects

Carbonate shelves

Carbonate Ramps

Intraplatformal basins (IPB’s)

Carbonate sequence stratigraphy

Platform interior deposystems & reservoirs

Carbonate sands & reservoirs

Reefs: Part 1

Reefs: Part 2

Reefs: Part 3 & reservoirs

Carbonate Slopes & reservoirs

Platform drowning

Chalk deposystems & reservoirs

Porosity: Introduction

Porosity: Classification and application

Diagenesis 1: Marine diagenesis and porosity evolution

Diagenesis 2: Meteoric diagenesis and porosity evolution

Diagenesis 3: Burial diagenesis and porosity evolution

Diagenesis in a sequence stratigraphic framework


Dolomite reservoirs Part 1

Dolomite reservoirs Part 2: models

Palaeokarst reservoirs

Reef case studies: rudists and phylloids
Case study: Capitan Shelf
Lacustrine carbonates and related deposystems

course methodology

This training course uses both conventional and non-traditional techniques. It utilises small group and facilitated plenary discussions as well as instruction to explore key concepts, models, tools and techniques. Hands-on exercises and case studies are used to practice the application of knowledge and use of skills. Structured reviews provide the opportunity to consider how the learning can be applied to the delegates’ own work.

course Certificate

  • D.McKINSEY AND ASSOCIATES Ltd Certificate of Completion for individuals who attend and completes’ Carbonate Reservoirs couse.
  • Candidates who desire International Certifications shall be registered through our platform for such an examination.

course duration



D.Mckinsey is licensed to train and issue certificates by the following bodies;

–           Nigerian Council for Management Education, (CMD).

–           OGTAN (Oil and Gas Trainers Association of NIGERIA).

Registration modalities

Kindly confirm space availability by calling +234 (0) 8023192104 or +234 (0) 9062386530 or send an email to,   For In-House training programs / on request, please contact us using above contact details.

course dates

APR 9-12

OCT 15-18

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