International oil & gas law fundamentals

International oil & gas law fundamentals

Couse description
course objective
course outline
course methodology
course Certificate
course duration
Registration modalities
course dates
Couse description

On this short course, the UK Government is treated as the principal case study; therefore there is an emphasis on the law in the UK oil and gas sector. However, wherever possible, the course materials and teaching will be contextualised to incorporate the law as well as the practices of professionals from other countries in attendance.  Furthermore, wherever possible, problems and solutions in other jurisdictions will also be examined.

Practical application of the legal principles is of fundamental importance to this qualification. This is reflected in two ways: (1) in the interactive and practical nature of the regular activities and the assessment question in each module and (2) the significant input in the preparation of materials and delivery of teaching by oil and gas legal experts.

Key Benefits of Attending

This range of content in this course is distinctive since it pulls together all of the major legal obligations affecting the industry. By the end of this course, the delegate should have the following:

  1. Knowledge and Understanding of:
  • The legal principles relevant to the contractual and non-contractual legal obligations incumbent on every entity in UK law
  • The legal principles relevant to the contractual and non-contractual legal obligations incumbent on those operating in the oil and gas industry
  • The legal and oil and gas industry structure within which those principles operate

2. The Practical Skills to:

  • Carry out research into a practical legal problem
  • Apply the law to that problem and generate a solution
  • Recognise and interpret legal terminology in contractual or other documentation
  • Effectively draft or revise important contractual clauses relevant to the oil and gas industry
  • Properly risk manage the legal relationship between parties interacting (by contract and otherwise) in the oil and gas industry

3. The Intellectual Skills to:

  • Research the law in relation to a particular situation in which legal implications exist;
  • Analyse the law in a critical way
  • Develop a technique for gathering relevant raw information prior to carrying out a legal analysis of a practical legal scenario
  • Solve practical situations in which industry legal issues might arise
  • Plan and manage work appropriately and to work to deadlines
  • Develop an understanding of personal learning needs and methods

course objective

This three days short course offers delegates the opportunity to study the legal aspects of the oil & gas industry and, in doing so, to develop a practical expertise in this niche area of the law. Oil and Gas Law is a core area underpinning the working of the Oil and Gas industry. All the transactions, the regulation, the tax yield to the Government, the settlement of disputes, the nature of contracts, the international framework and jurisdictional aspects are the essence of how the industry works. Many professionals who work in the oil and gas sector are required to consider the possible legal implications of their actions.

Much of oil and gas law centres around the contracts that are negotiated and implemented between those involved in the extraction, refinement and transportation of oil and gas products. The contractual legal framework surrounding the industry affects not only those involved directly in these activities but also those supplying goods and services that support these activities.

The law of contract is not the only area of the law to have a major part to play in these legal relationships. There are sources of law that are not based in the agreement between the parties, which are equally important. There are also statutory obligations, such as those in the areas of health and safety, the environment and taxation. These obligations apply across the globe. This course will help delegates to gain in depth knowledge of the main legal principles affecting the industry.

course outline

  • Part 1   

    • Oil and Gas Law
    • Comparative International Tax Law
    • Environmental Aspects of Oil and Gas Law
    • Legal Aspects of Mergers & Acquisitions
    • Energy Law and Policy

    Part 2                                                  

    • Renewable Energy Issues
    • Dispute Resolution in Oil and Gas Contracting
    • Oil and Gas Contract Law
    • Oil and Gas Management
    • Maritime Law

course methodology

This training course uses both conventional and non-traditional techniques. It utilises small group and facilitated plenary discussions as well as instruction to explore key concepts, models, tools and techniques. Hands-on exercises and case studies are used to practice the application of knowledge and use of skills. Structured reviews provide the opportunity to consider how the learning can be applied to the delegates’ own work.

course Certificate

  • D.McKINSEY AND ASSOCIATES Ltd Certificate of Completion for individuals who attend and completes’ International oil & gas law fundamentals course.
  • Candidates who desire International Certifications shall be registered through our platform for such an examination.

course duration



D.Mckinsey is licensed to train and issue certificates by the following bodies;

–           Nigerian Council for Management Education, (CMD).

–           OGTAN (Oil and Gas Trainers Association of NIGERIA).

Registration modalities

Kindly confirm space availability by calling +234 (0) 8023192104 or +234 (0) 9062386530 or send an email to,   For In-House training programs / on request, please contact us using above contact details.

course dates

MAR 5-7

MAY 8-10

OCT 9-11

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