Behavior Based Safety

Behavior Based Safety (BBS)

Couse description
course objective
course outline
course methodology
course Certificate
course duration
Registration modalities
course dates
Couse description

This course is intended to provide supervising personnel with an overview of the concepts of the behavioural based safety process.  This training will aid significantly those personnel who have not used these techniques in their day-to-day duties and responsibilities in the past.  The training is not meant to replace other training required by OSHA

course objective

Discuss The Local Safety Policy

Discuss Supervisor Responsibilities

Discuss The Concepts Of Behavior – Based Safety

Introduce 29 CFR 1910, The Industrial Safety Standards

Discuss The OSHA Penalties Policy For Safety Violations

Discuss Methods And Techniques Used To Protect Workers

course outline

·         Written Program

·         Affected Facilities

·         Training Program

·         BBS Steering Committee

·         Components Of Our BBS Process

·         Identification Of At-Risk Behaviors And Barrier Removal

·         Program Integration

·         BBS and Integrated Safety Management

·         Program Readiness

·         The Observation Process

·         Trend And Worksite Analysis

·         Action Plan Development

·         Senior Management Support

course methodology

This training course uses both conventional and non-traditional techniques. It utilises small group and facilitated plenary discussions as well as instruction to explore key concepts, models, tools and techniques. Hands-on exercises and case studies are used to practice the application of knowledge and use of skills. Structured reviews provide the opportunity to consider how the learning can be applied to the delegates’ own work.

course Certificate

  • D.McKINSEY AND ASSOCIATES Ltd Certificate of Completion for individuals who attend and completes’ Behavior Based Safety (BBS) course.
  • Candidates who desire International Certifications shall be registered through our platform for such an examination.

course duration



D.Mckinsey is licensed to train and issue certificates by the following bodies;

–           Nigerian Council for Management Education, (CMD).

–           OGTAN (Oil and Gas Trainers Association of NIGERIA).

Registration modalities

Kindly confirm space availability by calling +234 (0) 8023192104 or +234 (0) 9062386530 or send an email to,   For In-House training programs / on request, please contact us using above contact details.

course dates

MAY 6-10

JUL 5-9

NOV 11-15

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